Grant Process & Timeline
Each year SparkNJ invites a team of nominators to bring to their attention charitable, civic, and community organizations whose leadership identifies as Black. These organizations will already be fulfilling their mission but in need of additional operating funds to continue and grow their work. Nominators, who include persons of color, are selected because of their connections to the nonprofit world and to local communities. They receive guidelines and criteria for their nominations from SparkNJ. SparkNJ does not publicly reveal the names of nominators to preserve their independence until the end of each year's process.
All nominations, due each year by April 30, are reviewed by a Selection Committee composed of donors and other members of diverse communities. Selectors then assess each nomination, assuring that the nominee meets the SparkNJ criteria, and make their final recommendations to the donors by May 31. Final selections are made in June. The Community Foundation of New Jersey, where SparkNJ funds reside, issues checks to recipients by June 30.